For Our Visitors
All are welcome to our Sunday Worship. If you will be visiting, we’ll be so glad to have you with us! Please fill out a Visitor’s Card which can be found in the pew racks and place it in the collection plate, or hand it to an usher, so that we can get to know you.
Bible Study
Will continue when we get our permanent Pastor
Our church is now listed as a charity on Amazon Smile. If you select the church as your charity, Amazon will donate a percentage of every purchase you make. If you need more information or help setting it up, please see Karen Clifford or Joanne Hazzard. This is another easy way for you to help us update our kitchen.
ShopRite cards are available for purchase in the narthex every Sunday after worship. Proceeds benefit our Kitchen Fund.
Nursery services for children up to five years of age are available most Sundays during Service time. If you can help out with this ministry please see Amanda, Kate, or Nicole.
Our Daily Bread
is available in regular and large size print. Please pick up a copy from the Narthex or Board Room table.